Welcome to AGAP International

The Association of Graduates in Analytical Psychology Zurich



JITZ • The Jungian International Training Zurich Foundation


From the Board of Directors

  • Chair:  Deborah Egger (Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Co-Chair: Ursula Ulmer (Zürich, Switzerland)
  • Secretary: Carol Brandt (Cleveland, OH, USA)
  • Treasurer: Robert Zieserl (Glencoe, IL, USA)

JITZ is a foundation created in 2008 by several AGAP members living in the United States, Canada, and Switzerland, who wanted a vehicle through which they and others would be able to provide tax-deductible financial support (donations, sponsorships and annual givings) to the full-time, English language Jungian psychoanalytic training in Zurich. This type of training has been an historical tradition in Zurich since 1948, and is maintained today by the International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich (ISAPZURICH), the training institute founded by AGAP in 2004.  

The foundation is a tax-exempt US Code 501(c)(3) corporation, which makes contributions, donations, sponsorships etc. given by US citizens and residents, and foreign nationals to the extent of their US-generated income, tax deductible.  

Full-Time Analytic Training

Years of full-time immersion in Analytical Psychology is a life-changing experience. Nearly all AGAP members to date have experienced this and recall their years in Zurich with fondness and gratitude—as well as with an occasional flinch for the financial hardships endured. AGAP, through its training program in Zurich (ISAPZURICH), continues to keep this tradition alive for its full-time candidates as well as for others who seek professional enhancement or personal fulfillment by exposing themselves to the richness and depth of its atmosphere for a more limited time.  

JITZ shares the conviction that the type of training and deep psychological formation offered at ISAPZURICH is even more important today and for tomorrow than it has been in the past. We are therefore dedicated to making its continuation possible for many who otherwise could not afford to consider this option. To this end, we ask for your help in securing the future of ISAPZURICH for the generations of Jungian psychoanalysts to come in the 21st century. Your contributions will directly help international students who otherwise could not afford to train at ISAPZURICH by making scholarships and loans available to them and will also assist in providing the resources (facilities, library, staff) necessary for their adequate training.  

The JITZ Conference: Civilization in Transition

As a means of supporting its mission, JITZ regularly hosts Civilization in Transition, a four-day conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This event, each time featuring accomplished Jungian scholars exploring a specific topic, is open to professionals and the general public. Information on each year's conference is available at https://jitzurich.org


Email • info@jitzurich.org
Website • www.jitzurich.org
Tel • +1 (312) 847-7184

Postal Address:
JITZ 165 Maple Hill Road
Glencoe, IL 60022-1252